Monday, March 29, 2010

Friends or foes? Recognizing some signs. .

Have you ever had a friend that you told them really good and exciting news but they somehow found a way to see the negative in it? Did you notice the fake smile and the even more fake "ohh thats good but.....". These are usually easy to spot because the sit in the shadows or get quiet while you give the 411 to all of your other friends. I think you know who I mean. Yep its THAT person....the one ur thinking of RIGHT this moment. Matter of fact..just close ur eyes and dress that person in GREEN head to toe in your head.

I have had a few of these, and even been that person a few times. In my experience it meant that you were and ASSOCIATE of mine and not my friend. It is important to know the difference in the two because everyone is not your friend. Friends will genuinely be happy, wanting to know every detail and also stating that they are proud of you. The person will begin hacking away at your happiness but concentrating on possible cons if there are any. An unhappy person will find flaws in paradise trust me. The other sign of the jealous bug is the subliminal comments and looks. THIS is an associate.

What about the time you were having a conversation with everyone and that person took a quick stab at you. They WANT to know that you read between the lines so they will look your way right afterward OR repeat the shit. Now if they repeat it I invite you to go IN on that ass cuz that's just asking for it. Its like ok im about to start talking about that ONE thing that you covet and its your way of letting be know "shut the fuck up about YOU happiness because im NOT happy!" My example of this would be my almost perfect (yes i said it) relationship. Why would you be so upset that its going so well if you were my friend. This is an associate.

Another example would be the "fair weather" friends. They are around as long as things are going well but when you need a hand they are busy or "I didnt get that text." Sidebar: That why i love blackberry messenger. You cant tell me you didnt get that text when I see the little R right next to it LOL. Anyway, I will do anything for my friends. I have been in a really bad place at one point in my life with NO help. I have given to some of these people when I didnt have it to give. Yet, in my time of need they were nowhere to be found and full of excuses. Its like looking around and hearing the cricket sound..*cricket...*cricket. These are associates.

Now I promised myself i wouldnt use exact examples because I would normally just go to the person instead of blogging the ordeal for everyone to grab popcorn and quench a thirst. So I wont! I will leave you with this. TRUE friends grow with you, you outgrow all the others. So thank them and keep it moving. Regardless of what ill that person has wished on you or caused you. They gave you a life lesson that will enable you to recognize their type in the future.

*Kanyeshrug* - Smurf

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