Saturday, January 22, 2011

Train Wreck Relationship

We all have that friend. Yes I said it.. THAT friend. You know what i'm talking about! The one that you see when they are mad with their boy/girlfriend. When things are going good in that relationship you have to send the FBI to find them. Have you always been there when the relationship ended (for the 100th time)listening to the crying and false sense of independence. How many times do you sit there and listen to them before you just say "BITCH PLEASE"?

Its like a cycle. They get mad at the person, break up with them, hoard all your time, then drop you when the deadbeat comes back around. Do they not see how this would make you feel? You are the good friend thats always there and you feel used. Lets not forget to mention how this person has NO friends at all and its mostly due to the boyfriend or girlfriend that you hate. I'm really at the point where I want to shake the hell out of someone. Like seriously smack their face and say wake the fuck up he don't want you!
If I say that I run the risk of being alienated and blamed. When people are in a bad relationship they dont really want you to tell them the truth. So you just nod your head and listen. "I would rather be unhappy and with you than be unhappy without you". That quote pretty much sums it all up I think. It is a sickness to settle for someone you dont even really wana be with. Whats worse is when they don't want to be with you and you KNOW it yet you don't even care. Letting them cheat on you and you turn the other cheek because you don't want to be alone. I can't deal with the emotional roller coaster of wanting better for people who don't even want better for themselves. Im so pissed off I can't even finish writing this. WAKE THE FUCK UP! Ok I feel better.

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